Lågan vs Nålsögat

Video installation, 2017.
The video installation Lågan vs. Nålsögat: A Sequel (2017) took as its point of departure two films: Lågan (The Flame) from 1973 by Sandell Film AB, and Nålsögat (The Needels Eye) from 1975 by Jan Troell. The two films depict everyday life at the ship building company Kockums in Malmö from fundamentally different angles, and can be said to highlight two conflicting perspectives on how to reach social justice and better living conditions for people present in the political debate in Sweden and many other countries during the 20th century: one claiming that social progress has to be pursued within the realm of work, and the other that the realm of production will never make any real progress toward humanitarian emancipation possible.
The two films were in the video installation presented together with my own film, Inget att sälja (Nothing to Sell, 17’30’’) based on interviews with people who work in t he former Kockum area, Västra hamnen (The West Harbor) in Malmö today. The film investigate how workers of the creative industries and the service sector reflect upon questions on emancipation, freedom and craftmanship in relation to labour.
The music in the film Inget att sälja is composed by Arvid Alfredsson Grahn.
See the film Inget att Sälja here.