Uppmärksamhetens ekonomi

Release at Lunds konsthal 20-21 october. More info.
As guest editor for Kritiker #68 me and Lejla Cato, invited 16 writers, poets and artists from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Italy to discuss the concept of attention.
What happens if we stop reading and writing? How is an attentive gaze trained? And what is it worth? Uppmärksamhetens ekonomi (The economics of attention) draws on Anne Carson's and Toril Moi's thoughts on language and attention. The issue can be seen as a declaration of love for and an exploration of the form of attention that a particular form of reading (that of the literary text) suggests, and as an attempt to recognise the value of other expressions of concentration. A common thread running through these two sometimes contradictory, sometimes compatible, themes is the question of the value of attention: what use this or that form of attention can be said to serve, what it costs, and who is interested (or forced) to pay for it.
150 p.
Language: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English.
Eds. Hans Carlsson and Lejla Cato.
Editorial Forward
Luka Holmegaard “STUCK AT WORK :(”
Jørn H. Sværen “Eden”
Anna Fürstenberg “Kontrollen över det som har gått förlorat” (Interiew)
Maria Jacobson Interview and presentation of selected works
Rebecka Bülow “Tystare cikador”
Martina Moliis-Mellberg “Natten är ett hjärta, språket är en längtan, tiden är en viskning”
Uzma Akbari Utan titel
Jörgen Gassilewski “Läs vad det står”
Laura Cemin “Ma cosa dici? Notes on words and wordlessness”
Toril Moi “Oppmerksomhet som en etisk og politisk handling, en måte å være på” (Interview)
Elisabeth Friis “I dit uforsonlige blik står min undergang skrevet 116 Rúni Weihe, at begå sig, blive stille, grine”
Horace Engdahl “Uppmärksamhetens form”
Hannah Lutz “Var är djuren, de vilda djuren?”